Census double dip

Stephanie Holeman

To the editor:

The article “Census office opens, wants students” on Thursday has disgusted me. I accept the fact that, though I have lived in Iowa since June of 1995, have never voted in another state and have paid taxes in Iowa since 1995, I am not considered a resident. I am still classified as “out-of-state,” and as such I have been subject to higher tuition rates.

What I do NOT accept is being encouraged to claim to be a resident of Iowa on a census sheet.

The university is trying to “double-dip” (as put eloquently by a friend of mine), and that repulses me. They want to take additional money from me and from the government.

Either I am a resident, or I am not a resident. I refuse to be whatever is most convenient for the university at a given time of day.

It is ridiculous.

Stephanie Holeman

Graduate student

Computer engineering