Unnecessary whining

Christy Sundberg

To the editor:

I want a “Personal Whining Column” like Dan Johnson. I wish the Daily would give me one so I could gripe about all the things in life that annoy me, but I suppose I’m not as special as Dan Johnson.

I’m just a lowly undergraduate student who can open her mailbox and turn off the television when a show is boring.

Correct me if I’m wrong, but there is an off button on all TV sets these days.

I heard no mention of anyone tying Johnson down and forcing him to watch “real” characters on television.

I doubt anyone held a gun to his head and made him purchase a ticket to watch previews and drink enough butter substitute to give him a noise-induced heart attack.

And what is the point of the airplane black box comment?

Was there some extra space that needed to be filled?

That’s not even an original joke.

My point is that if you aren’t interested in recent changes in the entertainment business, don’t support them.

Last time I checked, TV shows were being yanked from the line-up left and right because no one was watching them.

Concentrate your complaints where they can accomplish some good and don’t clutter up these pages with unnecessary whining.

Christy Sundberg

