Enlighten this poor, confused soul

Jaime Ellsworth

Can somebody help me out here? I just want to know the purpose of the “Maybe this happened” letter from Blue Maas. I’ve read this three times and I still don’t understand what this person is trying to say! It starts out with a holier-than-thou attitude, as if readers are going to be enlightened with a “new perspective.”

The author then relates a cock-eyed story about sharing a bed and “unspeakable atrocity.” Call me dense if you want, but I don’t understand the “unspeakable atrocity” because the damn run-on sentence made no sense!

Then the author tells us “maybe this happened.” Maybe it did, maybe it didn’t; no one will ever know because the writing is so messed up. What I am really trying to figure out is what possessed the writer to submit this, and what is the message? If someone understands this letter, please enlighten this poor, confused soul.

Jaime Ellsworth


English secondary education