Guns a good idea

Barry W. Mccroskey

I commend the Daily for the recent editorial in favor of arming DPS. Of all the university public safety departments in the country, we (along with U of I and UNI) are virtually the only ones unarmed. There is simply no good reason for this to continue. It is a matter of officer safety, it is a matter of safety for the entire Iowa State family. Granted, the ISU campus is a safe environment. But to assume all evil stops at Elwood Drive is naive at best, dangerous at worst. Arming DPS would send a clear and unambiguous message that this university takes the safety of all on campus very seriously.

Mr. Fettkether’s letter opposing this issue is faulty in its logic to say the least. His fear that DPS would be gunning down students shows a lack of knowledge of police procedures and training as well as a complete lack for respect for the professionalism of DPS.

By his logic all law enforcement officers in this country would be unarmed. An interesting concept but not one many would be in favor off.

It has been said before, but bears repeating. DPS officers are fully trained and state certified. They attend the same law enforcement academy as any other officer in this state. They have the same powers of arrest.

They do the same job as Ames PD, they just do it in a city called Iowa State University. Let’s give them the tools they need.

Barry W. McCroskey

Assistant hospital administrator

Veterinary Teaching Hospital