Hort club peddles poinsettias

Stephanie Veldman

The Horticulture Club opened its poinsettia sale Wednesday, continuing a tradition that brings a festive holiday spirit to Iowa State.

“Our poinsettias look really nice this year,” said Megan McConnell, sophomore in horticulture. “We are using a new type of poinsettias called Peterstar, and they have turned out well for us.”

The poinsettia sale will continue until Friday, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. on the ground floor of Beardshear Hall.

McConnell said the poinsettias will fare great in dorm rooms and low-light settings, just as long as they are kept away from cold drafts.

The poinsettia sale is the biggest fund-raiser for the Horticulture Club. McConnell estimated members made about $5,000 last year, and they hope to match those profits again this year.

“It seems like we sell a few more every year,” said Alec Schorg, senior in horticulture. “People really watch for it because they know we will be [in Beardshear] the first week in December every year.”

The Horticulture Club receives the plants as rooted cuttings in August and then they pot, fertilize and grow the plants in the horticulture greenhouse all semester.

“One big problem we had this year was a major calcium deficiency, which caused the upper branchs [leaves] to curl,” McConnell said. “We treated them and they look great now, but I was pretty worried for a couple of weeks.”

The club has 1,012 poinsettias to sell in three different sizes, as well as a multitude of colors ranging from red to pink marble. The costs range from $5 for a four-inch plant, $8 for a 6-inch plant and $14 for an 8-inch plant.

Whatever the Horticulture Club doesn’t sell will be donated to the Grand Avenue Care Center, a nursing home located at 3440 Grand Ave.

McConnell said the money made from the poinsettia sale will likely go toward the club’s regional convention in Omaha, Neb., during spring break.

Questions about the sale can be directed to McConnell at 572-0872.