Woell is a Nazi
December 2, 1999
I would like to respond to Aaron Woell’s Dec. 1 column concerning the societal ramifications of abortion. He claims abortion is a “beneficial social-engineering tool.” I’m not about to debate his numbers. I would rather address his opinion that decreased crime rates just may be an unexpected positive aspect to abortion. He is absolutely correct!
Let’s not stop now, Mr. Woell. A 1998 Department of Justice study reported African-Americans committed 41.7 percent of violent crimes. We should put abortion clinics in our black neighborhoods, hoping that African Americans will opt to have more abortions. This would result in a decreased crime rate 20 years down the road!
Why stop? Hitler once perceived Jews as the ultimate enemy of society.
Maybe we can give a monetary incentive to Jews if they agree to have abortions performed on their unborn children. We sure can clean up society if we try hard enough can’t we Mr. Woell?
If this works, we’ll strive forward once more. The mentally handicapped, alcoholics and the elderly: gone. We’ll abort their babies and encourage the elderly to commit “voluntary” suicide. I can’t wait.
I’m going to pass out flyers tomorrow in trashy trailer courts detailing where they can have abortions performed. I’ll give them an extra $50 if they do abort their child. What a novel idea.
Anyone who wants to join me can meet me in the front of MU tomorrow at noon. Let’s rid ourselves of societal burdens NOW. Or contact me or Mr. Woell at [email protected].
Your ideas, Mr. Woell, have “eugenics” written all over them. Instead of killing “would-be criminals,” let’s try to reform our society into a place where everyone is accepted no matter what their future “tendencies” might be. I’m guessing your future son might be a bigot, too, but I’m not going to insist you abort him for the sake of a “better society.”
Michael Vander Molen
Chemical engineering