Voluntary approach is the best

Glenn Kelly

Only the misinformed could suggest members of the Global Climate Coalition are sweeping climate change issues “under the rug.” (“Cut ties to GCC,” editorial, Nov. 30). In fact, we continue to believe this serious issue deserves thoughtful attention.

The Global Climate Coalition has been highly effective in promoting a reasoned and balanced policy approach to addressing concerns about the earth’s climate. GCC strongly favors responsible action and, indeed, continues to make constructive proposals on climate issues.

As one of our leading principles, we also believe that science must serve as the foundation for overall global climate policy decisions. Enhanced scientific research, performed at our finest institutions, must be the first priority.

Rather than heating up the rhetoric with empty claims and half-truths, American business and industry will continue to help lead the way by taking voluntary actions to cost-effectively address concerns about the climate.

Already, we have documented progress in energy efficiency gains, new technologies and process improvements that have actually reduced greenhouse gas emissions.

Given the number of economic, scientific and diplomatic uncertainties facing this difficult issue, a common-sense, thoughtful response — such as the ongoing voluntary approach — is the most prudent course to follow.

Glenn Kelly

Executive director

Global Climate Coalition