Forbes flat-taxing

Steve Skutnik

The man I want to introduce to you wasn’t a POW in Vietnam or “governor of the 11th largest economy in the world,” nor is he an ex-pro basketball player, nor did he invent the Internet. No one’s debating his historical existence, yet he has earned the endorsement of many past and present governors, congressmen and leading political institutions such as the Cato Institute. What makes him stand out is his ideas.

Steve Forbes has come up with the most concrete plans for real reform in America, something the other candidates on the left and right have been running to emulate.

His ideas for a mathematically fair flat tax and privatizing Social Security into individual retirement accounts have earned him the greatest compliment. Forbes’ innovative plans for reform focus on that which made America what it is in the first place: individual liberty and the responsibilities which accompany it.

Unlike much of Washington, Forbes recognizes that natural rights are not bestowed upon individuals from the government only to be taken away, but rather they are the fundamental rights of people and thus must always be treated as such.

His plans for Social Security privatization would allow individuals to decide where their hard-earned dollars go, not the government.

The Forbes Flat Tax also recognizes another key fact in America: All individuals have equal rights under our Constitution, thus the burden of taxation should also be placed equally upon all.

Furthermore, he has been a leader in fighting for a fairer tax system overall. His proposals include eliminating penalties such as the death tax, the marriage penalty and capital gains taxes.

If you don’t think this would benefit working families, ask anyone who has recently gotten married, had a spouse pass away or bought a new home. They can tell you first-hand that this is one tax reform that would benefit EVERYONE.

Other candidates can talk all they want about “leadership,” but merely saying the word doesn’t make them leaders.

There is a distinct reason that staffers from the Bauer, Buchanan, Quayle and even “George Dubyah” campaigns have flocked to Forbes’ camp: Not only does he have something to say, he has a clear means of accomplishing it. But don’t take it from me; I strongly encourage you to visit all of the candidates’ sites and make an informed decision.

For more detailed information on Steve Forbes’ plan to reform America, check out If you’re not satisfied with the hand-picked candidates of the day and are looking for a candidate with real ideas for reform, consider Forbes.

If you’re interested in helping out, contact me at [email protected] or our group list at [email protected].

Good luck with finals and have a safe and happy holiday season.