Gay animals and people of my nature

Stephen Mcbeth

I am a straight farm kid from Southeast Iowa and people of my nature do not normally receive credit for being open-minded. However, I feel that I am not a bigot and can accept people for who they are regardless of their beliefs, even though I do not agree with them.

I have read this paper including the letters to the editor from time to time since my enrollment at this university. I have read many letters in this section, and some intrigue me as being sensible problems, but most of them disgust me.

I have kept quiet up to this point, but then I read the article discussing “the latest breakthrough on animal homosexuality.”

Congratulations contributors, you have hit a low! I am not here to argue the fact that this exists, nor do I really care. I am just relaying my opinion and that of other students who are tired of hearing about subjects that are and always have been controversial, and will probably never have a definite answer.

I feel there are many other issues at this university that deserve more attention, such as our rising tuition and high-priced parking tickets. If these subjects were supported with the passion of the ones I am pointing out, the university would be a better place for everyone, not just one group. Contributions can also be positive ones.

Quit being selfish. Don’t subject us to this array of nonsense. I challenge those who contribute to this section to focus on a subject that has merit AND a solution.

Stephen McBeth


Agricultural business