Mary Jane misunderstood

Jennifer Maranell

Does the media really have society believing that marijuana is such a terrible drug that someone who smokes this substance will “lose their mind” and do something inhuman to hurt other people? I think we can blame the misled people in our country who believe these insane ideas for trying to make the rest of us believe them, too.

I disagree with our society’s viewpoint on marijuana. I think that our fellow citizens are misled and obviously misguided on the topic; therefore, we all need to educate ourselves.

I think that most people are scared of bringing up the issue of marijuana because it is illegal and simply misunderstood.

I believe that all of those in favor of supporting the reform of current marijuana laws should stand together with our arms linked to see if we can make more people aware of the benefits of marijuana. The more people that we have on our side to voice their own opinions will make more of a difference in our community when we stand tall and speak our minds.

Jennifer Maranell

