Elton Wong, you make me smile

Jen Schaffer

Elton Wong could not have been MORE on target in Thursday’s column. His views and beliefs are ones that I have recently come to embrace in my life.

This world is a crazy, illogical place and one that needs change — social, economic and environmental.

I, like many people in this world, had become cynical and had begun to think that maybe change isn’t possible, but I also knew that we, as Americans, have become too caught up in unimportant material goods.

Fortunately, in the last four months, I have realized that I was wrong. Through my job at Northern Arizona University, I have worked with a tremendous group of students and faculty from all over the country that care deeply about the environment and the people of this world.

These students are passionate, motivated and still believe they CAN make a difference. They fight consumerism instead of being part of the problem. They are real people who want to do real things in this world instead of punching a clock for 20 years to earn the corner office.

Like Mr. Wong, I get fed up at this time of the year when people’s priorities seem to become even more twisted than usual. This is frustrating and disheartening. But, I think we may be on the cusp of change.

I see all that happened recently in Seattle, and I smile. Our generation hasn’t given up.

Many of us have come to realize that SUVs and matching wine glasses from Crate and Barrel aren’t the keys to a fulfilling life.

So to all of you who smiled and nodded repeatedly as you read Mr. Wong’s column — keep believing what you do.

Together we can make the attitudes of the world change, even if slowly.

Life is about friends and family, living and loving, and most importantly, knowing that one person can still make a difference.

As I pack my boxes and my car to return to a new job in Ames next week, I will smile realizing that there are people everywhere in this country who share in what I believe in so fervently.

Oh, and to those of you who still think you need an SUV to be cool, we will all be behind you to repair the land you might destroy imitating the commercials, and to try to remind you what is important and beautiful in life.

Jen Schaffer

