DPS should be armed

Editorial Board

The University of Northern Iowa student government recently resolved to allow its campus police officers the right to carry guns.

This is the first and most crucial step in arming officers on that campus; it is now up to the Board of Regents to give their go ahead.

The inability of campus police officers to carry weapons severely limits their ability to handle violent situations on campus.

Iowa State’s Department of Public Safety officers are no different. In fact, our officers are fully trained state police, and they should have guns.

So far, we can all thank dumb luck that a major crisis involving a firearm has not left our campus police with no other option than to call upon the Ames Police Department for backup that could take far too long to be effective.

And why should they have to?

Our DPS officers are highly competent, fully trained law enforcement officials.

They are not simply security guards.

They are all qualified to carry weapons; sending them out to do the same job as other cops without the basic tools to defend themselves and students is unconscionable.

This is not England, after all; nor is it the ’60s. This is not the time or place for unarmed law officers to be expected to do their job without the necessary tools.

In the past, arguments against arming DPS officers were plentiful. Working primarily among students, the use of weapons has been less than required.

But as events unfold in our ever-changing times, violent crimes have a tendency to crop up in the most unexpected locales.

When a DPS officer is chasing down a speeder on Lincoln Way, that officer has no way of knowing whether the person behind the wheel is a peace-loving sophomore in community and regional planning or a deranged meth addict with a shotgun.

Should they not be prepared for all possible contingencies?

Though guns are not allowed on campus, one can never assume that a miscreant intent on misdeeds will not ignore that little rule in favor of having a leg up on DPS.

Iowa State students should favor arming campus security officers. Talk to your senator or shoot them an e-mail about it. You’ll be glad you did if you are taken hostage in a computer lab by a gun-wielding maniac.

Iowa State Daily Editorial Board: Sara Ziegler, Greg Jerrett, Kate Kompas and Carrie Tett.