General funds benefit everyone

Brian Winslow

This is concerning a letter to the editor published Nov. 11 titled “Funds distribution dictatorial.” Tim Kelly considers the following question: Should you really fund programs you object to and provide zero benefit to you? His answer: a resounding “no.”

How short sighted is this person? Does the IRS know that he refuses to fund programs he doesn’t agree with or even benefit from?

Does the author realize that his tuition money isn’t really funneled directly to his prescribed major?

Has he ever heard of a general fund? I am amazed at how ignorant this person is.

How else is a public institution going to create a global learning environment than by offering as many opportunities as possible (through both experience and schooling)?

I spent four years at Iowa State playing on the Men’s Rugby team. If I am not mistaken, the university provided us with matched funds.

Yes, that’s right, Tim, clubs are required to fund raise. The rugby team did this through club dues and annual events.

Nonetheless, there never seemed to be enough money.

I realize that my team directly benefited my life at ISU, and I was very glad the funding was available, but I also know that my tuition money provided funding for the Rodeo Club, ISU’s infrastructure and many research endeavors.

In order to keep valuable programs running, institutions rely on money from other sources.

I am sure that Tim would feel different if he tried to take a look at the big picture and realize that without offering a diverse curriculum with many activities, ISU wouldn’t attract the student population it has today.

Yes, Tim, that means it could be your program negatively affected by the loss of funding for intramural sports, or any other program, for that matter.

At the very least, Tim should realize that the subsidized student loan that pays for his tuition is financed through taxes that come from people who do not enjoy or directly benefit from his education.

Brian Winslow


Volunteer coordinator, Maine Department of Transportation