What about Food Service?

Reyma S. Mccoy

I’m writing because I am positively outraged at the lack of coverage in the Daily on Food Service employees. Damn it, I’m a Food Service employee, and I WILL BE HEARD!

How dare you have the audacity to give the cold shoulder to a very important piece in the puzzle that is ISU! I think the only logical conclusion is that the Daily is being run by anorexic commies who do not like to eat nourishing meals!

Sure, the future farmer of America would proclaim, “Hey, I grow the food that feeds you. Please proceed to kiss my ass and shower me with praise for all eternity.”

Well you know what, Future Farmer John? I cook and serve the food that fills your belly! And what thanks do I get?! None! You don’t even acknowledge me at Food Service except when the thousand island is gone. You sure do make a horrific mess at the salad bar, spilling bacon bits in the blueberry yogurt! I’m sick of it – where’s the gratitude?

But Future Farmer John isn’t the only cad I have to pick a bone with. The Christians, frat boys, homosexuals, blacks, weight lifters, Republicans, Libertarians, jocks, Latinos, feminists, Democrats, Native Americans, internationals, grads, transgenders, Asian Americans, poets, communists, independents, anarchists, pagans, atheists, agnostics, cheerleaders, yo-yo players, RAs, fascists, pacifists, bisexuals, transvestites, Goths, nontraditionals, Buddhists, Muslims, Hindus, Jews, whites, lesbians, bubble-gum blowers, fencers, hunters, sorority girls, pet lovers, plant lovers, pot smokers, painters, writers, sculptors, band members, socialists, etc, etc.

All of you are guilty of the heinous crime of taking for granted the fact that I, as a Food Service worker, AM THE MOST IMPORTANT PERSON IN ALL OF ISU!!

Where is my weekly section in the Daily? Why isn’t Jischke presenting me and all other Food Service workers with an anonymous gift of $80 million to fund the research for more excellent casseroles and pastries?

I’m so flaming mad about this injustice that I’m going to call my mommy right now so that she can write a letter to the editor on my behalf!

Reyma S. McCoy

