Joe Six-Pack wrong

Randall Watts

For the last few days, I have come home from class, grabbed some lunch, sat down, opened the Daily and been utterly disgusted by what I have seen.

But it wasn’t the headline that read “Student mugged at gunpoint” or “Illegal Immigrants discovered at Howe Hall.” It wasn’t even the picture of those nice juicy mealworms on the cover of Tuesday’s paper that made me too sick to eat my meal. It was the opinion section.

Everyday, there seems to be a slew of letters devoted entirely to the whole Ag Week/Fag Week comments. Every single day, I would sit with some different friends and say how ridiculous it was for all of this attention to be paid to such obvious ignorance.

I remarked that I would never be caught writing to the Daily on this subject. So how did I end up writing this letter? Two words: Tim Jarvis.

“Listen to Joe Six-Pack” so disgusted me that I was compelled to write, and in doing so, wonder what the hell is on this kid’s mind?

I am from Chicago, but I lived in California for seven years, one of those in San Francisco. Although it cannot be argued that San Francisco has quite a reputation for its openly homosexual attitudes, the entire damn city is not gay.

That was only the beginning of Jarvis’s bigoted views. I’ll grant him the benefit of the doubt and equate this to ignorance.

“The Midwest is supposed to be traditional, Republican and conservative.” What reliable source does he get his information from? He continued, ” … all I see from the Iowa State Daily is this pro-gay, pro-liberal, anti-Republican crap.”

How dare you presume to tell everyone out there what is wrong with the Midwest? Who are you? How about I do some presuming for myself. I know your name, year and major. I will presume you are an 18-year-old Midwest native who has a hell of a lot of growing up to do.

Once you spend some time out of this state, region and country, you will be in a better position to judge.

If you don’t like how things are in the Midwest right now, there is a place where I am sure you and your bigoted views, will fit right in: anywhere south of the Mason Dixon Line, about 150 years ago.

Randall Watts


Computer engineering