Maybe this happened

Blue Maas

In the case that you all don’t get exactly what you want for Hanukkah or Kwanzaa or Christmas, or all your friends and family don’t have the chance to join you for all the football watching and couch lounging this American Thanksgiving or new millennium that you think you deserve, maybe it will help you with your perspective to know something.

I shared a bed twice this weekend — just by happenstance of arrangements — in a hotel just outside Fort Benning, Ga., and The School of HER UNSPEAKABLE ATROCITY with a person who told me that two men who had graduated from that School cut out of her and sliced to death in its eighth month of gestation her child — and while they were in her, hacked into shreds the rest of her uterus.

And left her to die. El Salvador, 1981.

But she did not die.

No, maybe this happened and maybe you choose to believe that it never did.

Blue Maas


Environmental health and safety