Social sciences prof to speak about engineering education

Megan Hinds

Bruce Seely, professor of social sciences at Michigan Technological Institute, will present a lecture titled “Reinventing The Wheel: The Continuous Development of Engineering Education in the 20th Century” tonight at 7 in the Great Hall of the Memorial Union.

“Bruce Seely is an internationally recognized expert on the history of engineering education,” said Alan I Marcus, professor of history and coordinator of the lecture series.

Seely has served as executive secretary for the International Society for Technology and has written several books on engineering and modern industry, including “Building the American Highway System” and “Iron and Steel in the 20th Century,” Marcus said.

“Dr. Seely’s books are important historical analyses of the history of engineering in the United States,” said Amy Bix, associate professor of history and member of the planning committee for the department’s lecture series.

The lecture is the first of four in the College of Engineering’s “Engineering in a Land-Grant Context” series.

This lecture also is a part of a 20th anniversary celebration by the History of Technology and Science, a subset of the history department.

“This lecture by Dr. Seely is another example of Iowa State’s great commitment to engineering education,” Bix said.

The lecture is being sponsored by the ISU history department, the Miller Fund and the College of Liberal Arts and Sciences.

The lecture is free, and all are welcome to attend.