Get real, Wong

Randy Webb

I am writing in response to Sam Wong’s letter in the Nov. 12 Daily. I, like Randall Watts to Tim Jarvis’ letter, am wondering what the hell is wrong with this kid?

Who is this freshman to say what Iowa and the Daily should be like? I also don’t understand his point about how Iowa’s electing of Democratic leaders means “the Daily should represent Iowa as it is SUPPOSED to be, not how it is.” Excuse me?

The job of a publication such as the Daily is to inform, not to sway public opinion. Mr. Wong says that most ISU students are straight, white, right-handed, religious Republicans. I am not opposing him because I am a left-handed atheist who chooses not to align himself with any particular political party.

I cannot believe the idiotic crap coming from this kid. Sure, I am a freshman and don’t have a right to say he doesn’t know what he’s talking about, but at least I can see that Mr. Wong’s entire letter is RIDICULOUS.

He decries the Daily for reporting on other people’s cultures and perspectives. Why doesn’t he want to read these stories?

Because they take up room “real” stories could be using, like “immigrants and minorities need to get the hell out of the country” and “crime is directly related to the decline in Christian faith.” These ideas are what really bug me.

About the minority and immigrant thing: If they need to leave, then so does everyone who is not a Native American.

They were here before any of us. And with a name like Wong, I’m guessing he’s got some kind of minority lineage, which makes his point senseless.

As for crime being related to a decline in faith, Wong himself states that crime is at a 30-year low. He proved the opposite of his statement, again showing me that this kid shouldn’t be talking too strongly about certain things.

Wong also says the Daily wastes time on promoting tolerance when it should talk about intolerance. What the hell for? Intolerance is already widely practiced and, in my opinion, needs to be eliminated.

Tolerance, however, should be reported on because people need to be educated about it. Tolerance is not commonplace in Iowa, and it is mostly because of people like Mr. Wong. They are the reason intolerance and racism and sexism and all the other “isms” still exist in our country.

They are the white, right-handed churchgoers who have to be right, and anyone who doesn’t believe what they believe should be dealt with accordingly.

Well let me tell you something, Mr. Wong, and anyone else who holds these ideals: GET REAL!

The world cannot function healthily with ideas like those floating around. Everyone in the world is different, and no one is better or more important than anyone else.

That’s something I figured out before kindergarten. You need to deal with the fact that you may be wrong.

It seems to me that anyone with half a mind can comprehend this. Perhaps I’m right.

Randy Webb


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