Iowa, let’s put the hammer down

Editorial Board

Iowa has an amazing landscape.

Not everyone would agree with that statement, but we think it’s true.

It is easy to see the beauty in mountains, forests, oceans and the occasional geyser-packed state park with herds of buffalo, antelope and wolverine crawling all over it.

That’s easy.

It takes a genuine connoisseur of landscapes to enjoy Iowa’s panoramic rolling hills covered with endless fields covered with endless crows.

We pride ourselves on doing things the hard way here.

Any moron can see that a big canyon is gorgeous — that’s a no-brainer; it takes genius to appreciate the agricultural wonderment that greets each eager Iowan’s eyes upon waking.

But even people who live by the ocean get tired of looking at it every day.

Right now, there is a debate going on over a proposal to raise Iowa’s speed limit from 65 to 70 m.p.h.

The states surrounding Iowa have roadways filled with happy speed demons; many of those travelers are choosing to skip over our beloved state just because it would take a little extra time to get across it.

We must be merciful.

Not everyone appreciates the whole cornfield, hoglot, graveyard, cornfield, cornfield, hoglot, graveyard pastiche which covers our homeland.

Not even all Iowans want to slowly appreciate their own scenic vistas.

Iowa is gorgeous but most Americans have a pretty short attention span.

They need to see Iowa quickly to appreciate it.

Let’s give them that fond memory, shall we?

Let’s jack up the speed limit so that future generations of Illinois tourists will look back across the Nebraska border and say, “you know, that Iowa wasn’t half bad.”

As for the dangers of high-speed interstate travel, they are overrated.

Our interstates can handle high-speed travel, and studies show that there is no increase in fatalities as a result.

In fact, since most people are doing 70 and 75 m.p.h. anyway, increasing the speed limit will make it safer for those who feel compelled to obey the law.

They will be able to put the hammer down with impunity and with everyone going closer to same speed, road rage will be significantly reduced.

So Iowa-lawmakers, let’s join the 20th century before the 21st century is upon us and we are stuck playing catch-up for the next 100 years.

Raise the speed limit, and the morale of travelers will follow.

Iowa State Daily Editorial Board: Sara Ziegler, Greg Jerrett, Kate Kompas and Carrie Tett.