Don’t print those letters

Eric Hagen

This is in response to the letter printed on Friday, Nov. 5 regarding the lack of publicity for Ag Week.

First of all, I am deeply offended that anyone would print this letter. I whole-heartedly agree that Ag Week deserved some publicity, but I ask you a rhetorical question: I am in no means prejudiced against any group, and I’m merely using this as an example, but if someone had submitted a letter complaining about “African American Heritage Week” and called it “Nigger Week,” would you have printed it?

I very seriously doubt it, because letters with that much bigotry are not something that should be endorsed by a news publication. Why would you print a letter that refers to National Coming Out Days as “Fag Week?” To me that is upsetting.

Secondly, in response to the argument set forth by Alex Rodeck, Krysta Strysko, Angela Johnson and Carrie Basak in their letter to the editor, the reason that NCODs got so much publicity was because of the great deal of work put into it by members of the LGBTSS and LGBTA. Without their insistence, there may well have been nothing printed about the topic.

The same would likely be true with Ag Week. Perhaps if someone had stepped forth and given the Daily some incentive to engage in detailed coverage of the events of Ag Week, it would have been focused on by the paper to a much greater extent.

I agree that this lack of coverage is not fair to you.

Neither is your use of slanderous, bigoted remarks about a national event which involves somewhere between 5 and 10 percent of your school.

Eric Hagen


Computer engineering and electrical engineering