Funds distribution dictatorial

Tim Kelly

Lurking in the shadows of the Nov. 10 editorial lies the nonsense that people should be forced to fund viewpoints and activities of others whether they like it or not.

Should you really fund programs you object to and provide zero benefit to you? The answer is quite simple: No!

The editors go on to use a ridiculous argument about whether you could elect to withdraw financial support from the animal science program.

You already do if you don’t have a major in that field. You direct your tuition funds to your area of study.

Thus, if people simply quit enrolling in that field of study, the program should dry up and be replaced or simply be done away with totally and the funds redirected to other fields of study.

Men’s Glee Club needs funding? The members of the Glee Club should then endeavor to find funding sources themselves rather than the totalitarian regime that confiscates student monies and dictatorially dispenses them.

Iowa State Daily needs funding? That’s another matter, since all viewpoints and all students are serviced by its publication.

Perhaps you should charge a nickel per copy, though, so as to learn the principles of a market economy versus the stupidity of a government funding your every want.

Men’s rugby? Puhleeze. If you want to play, YOU should pay — not other students. Habitat for Humanity? People volunteer their time, and you get businesses to donate. If you feel the need to contribute, contribute from your own wallet, not other wallets.

If particular student groups feel they need support, it is their obligation to go out and raise that funding by convincing others they are deserving of their support.

It is not for the university to ordain who is deserving of support, since it isn’t the university’s money.

There is one salient point, though, in your editorial — the world doesn’t need any more English teachers.

If you want an organization to exist for your needs, it is your responsibility to raise the funding to support that organization.

If I believe your organization has benefit to me, I will assist in funding it. If not, get used to the door in your face.

Tim Kelly

