What about Ag Week?

Carolyn Basak

I would like to applaud your attempts at educating the student body about the problems gays and lesbians face.

During Coming Out Week, there was a front-page article every day that attempted to inform the reader. However, I am very disappointed in the the lack of interest in the problems that other people face.

This week is Ag Week at Iowa State, yet the Daily has yet to acknowledge this with a front-page article. By ignoring the plight of people in agriculture, you are giving the impression that they are not as important.

Every group of people faces hardships. Hardships that are often the result of a lack of education.

Not only does the Daily have the responsibility of reporting events, it has the awesome task of educating the public. Many of the problems facing agriculture are the result of this breakdown in communication.

Every day farmers break their backs trying to provide this nation and the world with safe, healthy and affordable food.

They invest their blood, sweat and tears for meager returns. Our thanks to them is suspicion and mistrust.

We question their farming practices. Are feed lots a form of animal cruelty? Do swine confinements pollute our air and water? Are genetically altered crops safe to eat?

What we should be doing is thanking them for their sacrifice. I believe that by providing the public with the facts about agriculture, we can dispel the myths.

You must ask yourself this question: Do I want to be part of the problem or part of the solution?

The Daily has the opportunity to be part of the solution. Please report the issues facing agriculture and strive to educate the public.

Carolyn Basak


Animal science