Veishea ‘tradition’

Steve Borgman

To the editor:

I read with interest Kelley Seyller’s letter in the October 28 Daily.

With all due respect, student drinking during Veishea was a time-honored tradition at least 20 years ago.

Mind you, we still had the occasional cherry pie and cotton candy, but they usually didn’t go well with beer. We didn’t burn couches on Welch Ave., but then I don’t remember anybody back then had the creativity to think of it as a possibility after a night of drinking.

I think the solution is relatively obvious. Everyone who wants to participate in Veishea should stay and do so.

Everyone who wants to drink should go to Iowa City, drink like a fish, and then burn the Hawkeyes’ couches at the corner of Iowa Ave. and Clinton.

Afterwards, come back to Ames and watch the video (while enjoying your favorite beverage.)

Steve Borgman

Class of ’83

Houston, Texas