IRHA: Live and learn

Editorial Board

Controversial issues seemingly hidden in the 1999-2000 Department of Residence Terms and Conditions booklet keep catching members of the Inter-Residence Hall Association off guard.

First, IRHA members were upset about a new rule that can force students out of the residence halls within 24 hours after their last spring finals.

A less than hospitable clause.

Now, members have found another clause in the Terms and Conditions that states Veishea is an alcohol-free event for all students living in the residence halls.

Clauses, clauses, everywhere.

Bill Wychulis, vice president of the Towers Residence Association, will propose a bill at tonight’s IRHA meeting expressing discontent with students’ being asked to take the Veishea pledge or have no Veishea at all.

The resolution also states that residence hall students already have signed the pledge by signing the Terms and Conditions, a required action to live in the dorms.

Wychulis and other members of IRHA feel that they were tricked into taking the pledge by signing the Terms and Conditions.

Either you live in the residence halls and take the pledge, or you don’t live in the residence halls.

Here’s a little tip for all those students upset about this situation: You should have read the Terms and Conditions before signing them.

As should have last year’s members of IRHA who swiftly voted to approve this year’s Terms and Conditions at its last meeting in April.

Although it’s too late now to expect to make a change in the Terms and Conditions, this year’s IRHA should be applauded for trying to stand up against something they don’t believe in.

However, members should also walk away from this experience knowing that when the time comes next April for them to vote on the 2000-2001 Terms and Conditions booklet, they should read it page for page to find any little discrepancies or questionable clauses.

It’s much easier to fight to keep something like this from happening before it’s made official than to revoke it after it has already been instated.

Live and learn.