Week without violence

Hal Pepinsky

It has been my pleasure to be invited to join the student-led organizing committee at Iowa State for the YWCA-sponsored national Week Without Violence, Oct. 17-23.

Please watch for details and join in activities that week, beginning at 6:30 p.m. Sunday, Oct. 17, with a vigil on the steps of Curtiss Hall at ISU, arranged by Access, the Feminist Majority, Voices Without Violence and campus ministries.

There will be displays and activities on campus all week including a wall in front of Sloss House, the Women’s Center, where you can write or draw your vision of peace and a food drive Saturday, Oct. 23, at west Hy-Vee organized by the Feminist Majority with proceeds going to Access.

Stop by the info table in the Iowa State Union first floor stairwell Friday or Monday, Oct. 15 or 18.

I also want to invite other teachers in the Ames community to join me in devoting some class time to discussing how to end violence.

A guest from the Indiana Coalition Against Domestic Violence will visit my criminal justice seminar and a women’s studies class on Oct. 18, and I will have the Week Without Violence in mind as I speak on “the spirit of restorative justice” at the 25th anniversary celebration of the Center for Creative Justice the evening of Oct. 19.

Feel free to call the YWCA at 294-1663 or 292-6456 for further details of the week’s events or e-mail me at [email protected] me for ideas or help on bringing the Week Without Violence into classes or discussion groups.

Hal Pepinsky

Visiting professor
