Send in the swans

Editorial Board

Well, the battle of the swans is finally over and Iowa State is once again playing host to cute, little non-aggressive, orange-billed mute swans.

Those opposed to the removal of the larger, more aggressive and wandering trumpeter swans will point out that they are indigenous to this area and their departure is a sad thing.

Metaphorically, this is true.

The trumpeters do belong in Iowa and their removal represents a loss greater than most of us realize: The loss of natural habitat and the extinction of many species of plants and animals that called Iowa home for centuries if not millennia.

It is sad that our fine university cannot provide a good home to indigenous wild life, but, in the end, it is better for us and the swans that they go and live somewhere that better suits their nature.

The fence that forced the trumpeters into a confined space just for our amusement was also sad and not metaphorically.

Frankly, no form of life should be forced to live in Lake LaVerne against its will.

The new swans will be much happier in our little, green lake.

And though the two male swans will not be breeding any time soon, they will act as a symbol for Iowa State’s dedication to diversity.

As we stated in an earlier editorial this year, there is nothing wrong with tradition as a whole.

It helps define us and shape our sense of community.

But there is nothing wrong with starting a new tradition once in a while — a kinder, gentler tradition.

We are starting a tradition of respect for the swans we insist on having, and that is a tradition worth starting and continuing.

We are starting a tradition of humane sensibility that will be looked on kindly by those who come after us.

We are starting a tradition that will not attack pedestrians or get killed because it wandered out on Union Drive in a fit of curiosity.

We should not be too sad to see our trumpeters go nor should we be disappointed to have mute swans.

Mute swans, after all, are not lesser swans. They are every bit as good as the loud ones.

Mute swans will, however, be happier, more content symbols for our university.

Iowa State Daily Editorial Board: ara Ziegler, Greg Jerrett, Kate Kompas and Carrie Tett.