Nothing wrong with being gay

Allison Wignall

It’s unfortunate some people let sexual orientation arouse hatred, fear and anger. It’s important to be tolerant, open-minded, compassionate and humane.

American tradition is based on diversity. We need to live life to the fullest, rejoice in our differences, and stop judging others merely on sexual preference. There are so many more important problems in the world we need to solve such as hunger, violence, drugs and discrimination.

In a recent editorial, Tony Marco stated, “It [civil rights for homosexuals] threatens school teachers, and administrators, both public and private, to hire homosexual militant teachers and to persuade children that homosexuality is a normal and attractive behavior.”

Well Tony, I hate to break it to you, but homosexuality is a normal behavior.

Scientific studies have shown homosexuality can be linked to the size of our hypothalamus, therefore homosexuality is innate, not a choice and completely normal. I doubt these so-called “militant teachers” would ever mention homosexuality to the children they teach, let alone glorify it.

Do you seriously think people would choose to be homosexual when they face a life full of discrimination, hate and ridicule?

Homosexuals don’t choose to be homosexual, any more than heterosexuals choose to be heterosexual!

I understand homosexuality may make some people uncomfortable, and that this is not the lifestyle they, nor I, may want to live, but who are we to judge what is right or wrong?

Allison Wignall


Communication studies