Move the band

Adam Arthur

As a freshman at Iowa State, I came into the school year very anxious to participate in many school activities. One of those activities is football games. So, as the first game came around, I was very excited. I painted my chest along with two friends and headed off to the game. When I got to the game, I found the band taking up the first thirteen rows of one section of the students seating. That meant that we, the students, had to squeeze together even more to fit.

Why was the band moved, you ask? They were moved so corporate tents could be set up where they used to be, behind the endzone.

This means that once again, ISU has sacrificed the comfort of the students for the endorsements of businesses.

Many students, including myself, found this to be a typical move by ISU. Why, you ask? Because it seems that any chance this university gets to take money over the comfort of students they jump at.

I can understand what the school was thinking when they made this move.

They were probably thinking we can all squeeze a little tighter without too much inconvenience. We were able to do that, but the problem was that for those of us right behind the band who lost our hearing.

If you don’t know why I say we lost our hearing, then maybe you should sit right behind a bunch of loud, nicely played, instruments.

Though you are fortunate enough to hear everything, you end up hearing nothing by the end of the night.

Well, I’m not going to go on and on without trying to help solve this problem. To be honest, though, I don’t really have a good idea except to move the band back to their old spot and give us our thirteen rows. If you move the band anywhere else, you would just cast the problem off on someone else and not solve anything.

It all comes down to what is more important to the school, the students or the money? Unfortunately, I don’t think the school is going to turn down money in favor of students anytime soon.

Adam Arthur

