Money matters

Dean Hawkinson

Has the university and the College of Engineering finally made it public? Yup! Money matters, and students don’t!

Perhaps the greatest spectacle yet planned by the Alumni Association was this weekend in what used to be known as ETRC (Howe Hall). ETRC is supposed to stand for Engineering Teaching and Research Center. Well, ask someone from the Department of Aerospace Engineering and Engineering Mechanics (AEEM) how much teaching and research has been going on. I bet you’ll be surprised.

Since being uprooted from its location in Town Engineering and Black Engineering, AEEM faculty has been asked to continue work as usual in a hard-hat zone!

The effects of asking faculty and staff to pack, move and unpack in the middle of the semester are far-reaching and drastic. A quick survey of our department would show a mid-semester move should have been avoided.

Unfortunately, someone wanted the building to look operational for the Order of the Knoll dinner and dedication ceremonies this weekend. Someone seems to have forgotten that both undergraduate and graduate students expected to get an education for their money this semester.

I hope someone can find it in his heart to make a formal apology to all of us whose semester has been disrupted by this pointless goal. An apology during Jischke’s speech at the dedication ceremony would have suited me and everyone else just fine!

Howe Hall is an amazing piece of architecture. It looks neat and pretty, but there are no bulletin boards for posting solutions and exam scores.

Money matters above all else, and I guess we’ll have to get used to it or do something about it.

Dean Hawkinson


Aerospace engineering