One more time, as clear as possible

Eric Hiatt

OK, I’ll try to be as clear as possible this time.

American men are sent by our government to other countries to kill, and this is done for reasons that have nothing to with freedom or democracy.

Am I clear?

Is there any confusion here? Also, our government supports terrorist regimes in other countries. These terrorist regimes murder and torture their own people.

Is this clear?

This is the American government I’m talking about.

Do you understand? Do you get it? Do you honestly realize that millions have died and suffered?

Do you realize we were lied to as “Americans” by our government about these atrocities. Do you realize that the soldiers who were sent to die in Vietnam were lied to?

What kills me is how effectively blinded we are as Americans to this.

Now, what’s with the argument, “You’re lucky you’re even allowed to say these things. You live in a free country, blah blah blah?

I don’t have time to explain how philosophically stupid this argument is, so I’ll just tell you that “we the people” don’t have what amounts to an effective free speech.

You probably have no idea how incredibly censored the media is so, get up, find out and then complain about it.

And I can’t believe you didn’t get my story. Everything in that story has happened in some manner. I don’t know what else to say.

So, I am challenging people to get angry, get informed and expect more from their world and government.

Maybe you could actually take some time out of your day to imagine a baby burning to death.

It’s happened many times thanks to the American government.

We need to have passion to change this world, and that requires getting mad at this stuff.

So “throw a tantrum” and say “screw America!”

Maybe someday a country will exist we can be proud of, and I look forward to it. I would fight to the death for it and an honest cause.

Is this “unreasonable?”

Eric Hiatt


Math and music