Nazism on campus

Jeff Brinkman

As an ISU alumnus, I was glad to hear that the Veishea celebration will continue for another year.

As an American, it frightened me to see what is happening once again to the students.

I can’t see how this “Dry Veishea” pledge can be legal or constitutional.

If a student is 21 years of age or older, they have the right to drink alcohol.

The university has a policy to deal with underage drinking ON CAMPUS and the law has a system for dealing with illegal drinking off campus.

ISU has no jurisdiction in the Campustown bars, West Ames, Downtown Ames, etc. They can’t tell legal alcohol establishments or providers not to sell beer or offer alcohol specials.

ISU doesn’t have the right to tell anyone who is old enough to drink that if they’re caught that once the Gestapo gets done with you, the KGB is next.

What had been happening to Veishea needed controlling.

When Uri Sellers was killed, that was tragic. When the cops tried out their new riot gear for the hell of it in ’94, that was absurd.

When the ISU administration wants to discipline students LEGALLY drinking in their residence off campus, that’s not only frightening, that’s Nazism.

Veishea falls on my birthday next year, and I’m glad I will be able to bring my family to it.

If I want to drink a beer, I have that right. Last time I checked, Iowa State University was located in the United States and had not become it’s own separate little country ran by a dictator.

Jeff Brinkman

