The bird is not the word

Adam Dickinson

I was at the Iowa State-Nebraska game last Saturday night.

I consider myself a pretty die-hard fan while I’ve been at ISU and especially this year. I scream till I’m hoarse and never give up on my beloved Cyclones.

Saturday was no different. Dressed in my usual Cyclone jersey and camouflage hat, I added some face make up and some cardinal and gold poms and found my seat in the front row behind the north endzone.

Game started out ugly as we all know, but for the first time, I gave up all confidence in my quarterback.

It was the third and about 21. We were deep in our own territory and seemed to be moving backwards. I simply stood up and shouted, “Come on, Rosenfels … take our boys the other way.” I know I was close enough to be heard and wanted to show the offense that I hadn’t given up on them.

Then I looked and noticed that the quarterback who was supposed to make my dream of beating Nebraska in Lincoln come true, was giving ME the middle finger.

He turned and saw who he was gesturing to and quickly looked the other way. My buddy saw it, as well, and we were shocked.

Here I am taking on 77,000-plus other rude Husker fans in the stands, and now, I’m getting the bird from our leader on the field.

Sage, Sage, Sage.

I don’t care where you are playing or what the conditions but please don’t ever represent yourself in that fashion again. I don’t care if you thought I was another hillbilly Husker fan or not; you cannot represent your team like that.

Don’t worry about the Huskers. You looked better this year than you did the past two times I was in Lincoln. I look forward to watching all of you play somewhere south come end of December. I guarantee that I’ll be there.

Adam Dickinson


Electrical engineering and music