Herr Grassley is a fascist
October 3, 1999
By now, we all know that gasoline is available both with and without corn liquor for about the same price and that each type is preferred and purchased by a significant portion of consumers and that people who profit from the latter type would like to see the former banned.
Now the Daily reports (Thurs. Sept. 30) that one of our noble rulers, Chuck Grassley, argued for this literally fascist policy by saying ,”Right now, we consumers don’t have any choice about what is put in our gasoline.”
Let’s be sure we understand what he’s saying: To have different fuel mixtures readily available to purchase is to have NO choice. So, to have all but one of those products criminalized, making the purchase of that one mandatory, is to increase our freedom to choose?
Apparently Herr Grassley thinks that government education has succeeded so well in its goal of making us too dumb to revolt that he can look us in the eye and tell us black is white and up is down and we’ll swallow every word. Let’s try to remember that next time he’s up for re-election.
Wendy Applequist
Graduate student