Silence is golden, give it a try

Russell Abbott

I’ve never really been one to speak my mind on many issues; that is, I tend to keep my opinions to myself. Some would say that is the proper way to handle a situation, and others would say that is a dangerous attitude indeed.ÿPerhaps, but I am not solely here to express my opinions on certain subjects.ÿ Rather, I would like to present to each of you a challenge.

It has been my observation that there is an addiction sweeping across our generation.ÿThat addiction is not drugs, nor is it alcohol (although I have also noted these are quite prevalent as well!), but noise.ÿ Yes, noise.ÿWe may call it TV or our favorite CDs or the little wav files that “personalize” our computers or whatever we wish.ÿBut, quite honestly, is it necessary?

So, here is my question and therein my challenge:ÿ How much silence can you handle?ÿ Sure, some silence while you study is necessary, but how about your free time?ÿ Shut the TV off.ÿ Don”t you dare touch that radio in the corner.ÿ Just sit and listen to the silence for a change.ÿ Just try it, I dare you!ÿ See how much more relaxed you’ll be.ÿ OK, you may be a little rough-edged and razzle-tazzled after the first time (can’t stand all that … that … SILENCE, can you?) But hey, if you can do it once, you can survive a second go, right?

OK, fine, don”t follow my advice, tough guy.ÿGo on, enjoy life in your cozy, warm, NOISY comfort zone.ÿBut at least think about it.

Well, there, I’m done, and oh-so-glad to be in your head.ÿHave a beautiful, noisy day!

Russell Abbott


Elementary education