Sketch journal showcases students’ creativity

Emily Graham

For those students who haven’t found an outlet to showcase their creativity, there is Sketch.

For 65 years, Iowa State students have been submitting their creative work to be published in Sketch, ISU’s creative print journal.

This year is no different, and the deadline for submitted work is Friday. Students can submit fiction, non-fiction, poetry, art and photography to the journal.

“We want to showcase graduate and undergraduate work, both visual and literary work. It is as professional as possible,” said Christiana Langenberg, faculty adviser for Sketch.

All submissions then will be judged by a jury board, which will decide which pieces to publish.

Langenberg recommended that each person submit several works. She also encourages those talented in more than one genre to submit works for each area .Langenberg said all majors are welcome to participate.

“We don’t want this to be just design students and English majors,” she said.

Emily Ekle, co-editor of Sketch, said the push this year is to get more undergraduate students to participate.

“In the past, Sketch has been known as traditionally a graduate magazine, but we hope to change that,” said Ekle, senior in English.

All submissions must contain a cover letter with the student’s name, address, phone number, e-mail address and the category of submission or type of artwork. The work itself should not contain the author’s name because all entries will be judged anonymously.

“It is a competitive basis. You are judged against your peers,” Langenberg said. “Whatever the jury board decides is the best for each genre is what gets in, but no one should be intimidated or kept from entering.”

Art submissions can consist of slides, scanned images on a disk, photographs or photocopies of reproduction quality.

“This is a really good way to get your work out there and get it published. It is a way to be recognized by your peers,” Ekle said. “A lot of people are doing creative work, and they don’t have the avenues to get their work out there.”

Drop boxes for submissions are located in each college’s main office, and submissions must be in by the time the office closes Friday.

Submissions will be returned only if entrants include a self-addressed, stamped envelope.