Phish food for thought

Zachary Eakman

The feature story, “Phish fans cause campus commotion,” was very disturbing to me and other Phish fans on campus. The article probably destroyed any chance of having Phish play again in Ames. There were a lot arrests that no one is proud of, but what about the positive things that took place?

What about the concert itself? What about the issue of how everyone felt when they left that concert? What it did for the Ames economy for one weekend? Did it do any good for our community? Of course it did!

When I left that show, along with every show I have ever left, I felt enlightened. I felt as though no one could stop me nor slow me down. We go to these concerts to feel the music; that is what this type of a band does for our souls.

Why don’t you write an article on the music does for people? There was nothing good said about Phish. There was nothing good said of their followers. The article was biased and has every Phish fan I know talking about it.

What did it do for the community? There was a three-hour wait for pizza Friday after the concert! You tell the owner of Domino’s Phish concerts are bad.

How much money did gas stations make on people gassing up for their three-hour drive to Minneapolis Saturday night? You tell them how bad we are.

I am sorry for the arrests and turmoil caused our respected DPS, but we are not about violence; we are about family, peace and love, and you guys need to acknowledge that!

We are only at those shows for one purpose: to have a good time and to enjoy Phish, the enlightening band that it is.

Zachary Eakman


Journalism and mass communication