GSB, here’s a survey for YOU

Pavel Lotkov

Dear GSB senators, I would like you to participate in my survey.

Please choose one that describes you the most:

1. Fool

2. Idiot

3. Stupid

Come on now. Choose one!

Must be frustrating, huh? Not enough options?

Well, that is how you made me feel with your pseudo survey that you sent to every off-campus student.

Now, for those who do not know what I am talking about, I recommend you read the article, “GSB ready to vote on Veishea resolutions” on the front page of the Oct. 13 Daily.

According to this article, GSB senators sent the e-mail to every off-campus student “seeking insight on the issue of alcohol at Veishea.” Alex Olson, GSB senator, said there were many responses from students who had THREE OPTIONS to choose from, and “quite a few students have said they wanted to save the tradition.”

Now, I want you to know what those three options were.

1. A dry Veishea is the best option.

2. A dry Veishea, if that is what is needed to save Veishea.

3. No Veishea would be better than a dry Veishea.

Well, as far as I understand, this was supposed to be either a joke, or we were all treated as a bunch of morons.

Let’s face it. The first and the third options are the same, and the second one is just the variation of the other two, so there is really only one option – “dry Veishea.” And, because it is the only option, it is not an option any more.

If GSB really cared to know the opinion of students on the issue of alcohol at Veishea, they would provide us with more than one option to choose from.

Do not get me wrong. I am not saying whether I am for or against dry Veishea. This is not the point. The point is that I do not like when somebody asks me a question and does not give a damn about my answer.

So, GSB senators, if you are interested in my opinion and you want me to participate in the survey, make sure you provide me with DIFFERENT options to choose from. On the other hand, if you are sending the e-mail with a survey like the recent one just so you can say later that you were “seeking insight on the issue,” then please do not waste my time and do not make me sick by making me read your nonsense surveys.

Pavel Lotkov


Computer science and physics