Fishy story

Aaron A. Mcconeghey

I’d like to know where Wendy Applequist fished up her story regarding the events that led to the death of Uri Sellers. I went to the trial, and I’d like to clarify a few things.

Uri was at Adelante visiting friends for Veishea. Uri was not responsible for starting the sequence of events that led to his death. Runyan and several of his friends were yelling up at people on the balcony who told him to leave.

After that, Uri and several others did tell him to leave, and words were exchanged. They did follow Runyan and his crew down street for a while but then turned around and resumed the festivities at the Adalante house. It is important to note here that Uri was a guest, and Runyan was not.

After the first incident, Runyan went to his vehicle, retrieved a steak knife, not a “pocket knife” and eventually, returned to the Adelante house.

He did not meet a “dozen drunken buddies” of Uri’s. When Runyan stabbed him, Uri was accompanied by one person. There were two alongside Runyan. Uri had his arms crossed when Runyan stabbed him, not exactly an aggressive measure.

Runyan wasn’t backed into a corner by a whole “football team” as Applequist asserts. Runyan had plenty of options. He could have walked away. He could have chosen not to come back.

Wendy, can you honestly tell me Uri was responsible for his own death? Did he try to join a party to which he wasn’t invited? Did he think about murdering someone and then follow through on those actions? Did he stab someone who was standing still with his arms crossed and saying nothing? No, he didn’t. Mike Runyan did, and that is why a jury found him guilty of first degree murder beyond a reasonable doubt.

I concede that excessive alcohol consumption played a role in the actions of both parties; without it, I would still have a good friend and Mike Runyan’s life wouldn’t be a total waste.

If Applequist chooses to label Uri a “rowdy young drunk,” then it is only fair that she apply the same label to Runyan.

Is it right to murder someone because you were told to leave a party you weren’t invited to?

I am deeply saddened and enraged at all the letters that write off the life of one my closest friends in the name of returning Veishea to a drunken party or defending convicted murderers.

Aaron A. McConeghey

