Cheap shots

Cory Cramer

In their opinion article on Monday, the Iowa State Daily editorial staff took a cheap shot at G. W. Bush when they called him a coward for not responding to Pat Buchanan’s new book about American intervention.

I don’t believe the Daily did either G. W. Bush or Pat Buchanan justice. The Daily should have responded to the argument that Buchanan made in his book rather than characterize him as some sort of Nazi sympathizer.

Buchanan’s basic argument goes something like this: When America entered World War II, Great Britain had already established air superiority over the English Channel.

Germany did not have the military strength to invade and conquer England. Since Germany could not conquer England, it was not a threat to the United States security and we should not have gotten involved.

There are several points on which the Daily could disagree with Buchanan.

For example, whether or not England was actually secure, moral objections because of the treatment of the Jewish people, or the massive amount of prosperity that the U.S. has had as a result of entering the war when they did. Any of these objections would have addressed Buchanan’s book in a fair manor.

Instead, the Daily chose to blast G.W. Bush for not denouncing the book as a piece of trash. In Bush’s defense, he probably hasn’t even read the book. Raising millions of dollars to run for president and governing a large state like Texas takes a lot of time.

It is not Bush’s job to censure Pat Buchanan. Whatever happened to tolerance and open-mindedness?

G.W. Bush has clearly stated that he is against isolationism, economic or otherwise. This fact alone is enough to respond to a book supporting isolationism. He is against it. Bush does not need to lower his standards to that of the Daily and go around calling people names.

Cory Cramer


Political Science