Killing with impunity

Kevin Sullivan

Well, good golly. There certainly seems to be a lot of anti-American sentiment in the Daily letters section these days.

What happened to the good old days when Uncle Sam and his troops could invade a country, kill anyone they wanted, say it was for national security and no one would be the wiser?

Eric Hyatt, in his letter published on Oct. 12, may have been a little extreme, but he did have a point.

There’s not really a lot in America to be proud of. Sure, there’s Tupperware, but we need something NEW, folks!

I’ve never been one to spout patriotic sentiments. Especially with the people we’ve chosen to represent us, I’ve never been too anxious to jump in front of the world community and shout “Yo! I’m an American.”

I’m sure someone would either punch me or ask me if I knew Snoop Dogg or something.

The point I’m making is one many people have made, but it continues to be made because no one bloody listens: We get the country we deserve.

Instead of blaming movies or TV or video games about the social injustices of this world while our troops can go out and blow up people, think about which politicians you’re supporting, who you’re voting for, if you’re voting at all and if you’re actually doing your part to make this country the way you want it to be.

Then if you actually do something and this country still sucks, then complain all you want.

That’s my philosophy, anyway.

Kevin Sullivan


Journalism and mass communication