Al Gore’s plan

Michael Swanson

With over 10,000 different gun-related laws already on the books, why would anyone support a presidential candidate who wants additional anti-gun measures passed?

According to “Let’s take some positive steps to better our situation” by Sarah Leonard, Al Gore would require every gun owner to carry a license.

The problem with this logic is that the government will have a list of every gun owner. If you feel that this isn’t a problem, brush up on your history and look at Stalin, Hitler, Mussolini and Mao Zedong. Before these leaders began their killing frenzy, each one banned guns through regulation (John Lott, “More Guns, Less Crime”).

Secondly, Gore supported one of the worst pieces of legislation ever signed into law — The 1994 Crime Bill. Among other things, this bill placed restrictions on the media tagged “assault weapons.” These “19 deadly assault weapons” were restricted by the firearm’s appearance alone.

Also, Leonard, these guns are not “off the street.” If you took the time to read the bill, you will note that these same weapons can be made legal simply by changing one or more “assault weapon” features, like a pistol grip or flash suppressor. Does this even matter? Not when these weapons only make up 0.5% of all violent crimes (Gary Kleck, FBI).

Also, Gore knew the Brady Bill would do nothing for America. Many stricter and longer waiting periods were already implemented long before the Brady Bill.

In 1994, California required a 15-day waiting period on all firearm sales, yet violent crime and murder rates were 58% and 44% higher, respectively (FBI). Waiting periods have no influence on criminals as they do not buy their firearms in a legal manner.

Lastly, Gore is openly against measures which effectively stop gun violence, most notably the Eddie Eagle Program and Project Exile. Why would anyone oppose a child safety program which has taught over 12 million children firearm safety and an award-winning program credited with dramatic decreases in homicides and firearm-related crimes? The answer is because these are NRA backed legislation.

Gore’s “plan” is his political career, not a safer America.

Michael Swanson


Computer engineering