Weekend Club focuses on alcohol-free fun

Deanna Gossett

Two Iowa State students began a club last year to prove that you can have a good time on the weekends without drinking.

Ryan Eldridge, senior in electrical engineering, and Brian Sheriff, graduate student in business administration, created The Weekend Club to break the assumption that fun only can be had in the presence of alcohol.

“Everyone I’ve ever talked to thinks that it is a great idea,” Eldridge said. “Everyone wants to participate.” The club has, so far, remained small, with an average of 15 people attending each event last year. Activities ranged from a ski trip to Minnesota and camping at the Ledges to game nights and bowling.

However, more than 200 people signed up for information about the Weekend Club during this year’s Clubfest.

Todd Schulz, chairman of the Board of Directors for the club, stressed that members don’t look down on people who choose to drink.

“That is a lifestyle, and we don’t condone lifestyles of students,” he said. “We focus on creating an environment where students can create quality, lasting friendships.”

Schulz said he’s greatly enjoyed participating in the club. “I’m in love with this club,” he said. “It’s discount fun.”

Weekend Club adviser Laura Ciccone said 22 percent of ISU students do not drink, and 69 percent of the students who choose to drink have only four drinks or fewer.

“This club provides a positive alternate to drinking,” she said.

Schulz said the club allows participants to decide on what activities they will do. Suggested activities for this year include camping, canoeing, skiing and shopping.

Schulz said there is usually an activity every third or fourth weekend of the month.

Students interested in learning more about The Weekend Club can contact Eldridge or Sheriff at 233-5460, or visit the Web site at www.theweekendclub.org.