GSB considers employing ‘image-enhancing’ logo

Wendy Weiskircher

The Government of the Student Body is working to promote a more defined image on the Iowa State campus by employing a new GSB logo.

“Not enough people know what we are about,” said Alex Olson, off campus. “We want to get our name and what GSB is about out there.”

The bill calling for a new GSB logo will be introduced to the senate for its first reading tonight, and if it is approved at the next meeting, ISU students will have the opportunity to submit a design for the prospective logo.

The senate will vote on the favorite logo design, and the winning designer will receive a $200 cash award.

“If we decide we want to do it this way, it will give the students an opportunity to interact with GSB,” said Michel Pogge, off campus. “The students will create the image we will use for several years to come.”

Increasing student participation has been a GSB goal this year, Pogge said, indicated by last week’s “Meet Your Government Day.”

“This year, we have really been trying to get students to see GSB as active on campus,” he said.

The logo would be displayed on everything from the GSB Web page to newspaper advertisements.

“There are endless uses for the logo,” Pogge said.

“It will give us an image. People will recognize our logo and our part on campus.”

The logo ideally would detail the aspects of student life in which GSB is influential, he said.

“Our logo would represent us on a multitude of levels,” Pogge said.

“It should represent an organization that not only funds student groups, but is their voice to the administration, the [Board of] Regents and the general public of Iowa.”

Student governments from other universities, such as the University of Iowa, already have adopted the idea of an image-enhancing logo, Olson said.

“The logo is also advertising for the present and the future,” he said. “People would see GSB as a more powerful student group.”