Behe knows jack about evolution

Eric Hiatt

I am writing this letter in response to J.T. Bridges article on evolution. My purpose is twofold. I first want to ask a question, and I then want to express some sentiments.

My question is: who was Bridges book suggestion really for? It couldn’t have been for those who already acknowledge the fact of evolution because anyone who’s serious about evolution already knows that.

Behe’s book is crap. Behe is a biochemist who doesn’t know jack about evolutionary processes.

This is evident in the fact that the important issues in his book were already dealt with years before he wrote it.

Therefore, Bridges’ intent must have been to help further delude his fellow creationists.

So go read the book and believe every word of it because if you can’t think, it makes sense. I only ask one thing. Can you keep your ignorant mouths shut about it?

It saddens me to think that there are those of my own species who thrive on condemning one of the most beautiful and intricate processes the universe has presented.

I have actually seen people pleased with idea that there couldn’t be life elsewhere in the universe because evolution is impossible, and they feel this way because of their faith. This is an atrocity of the human imagination.

As a final note, I would challenge the creationists to read the thousands of volumes of literature that give evidence to the fact of evolution, but they don’t give a damn about anything save their faith.

Eric Hiatt

