Under God?

Douglas Ficek

Mr. Lashier, I think you are mistaken in your observations and conclusions. I appreciate your passion, but you cite two unrelated massacres against Christians and assume there is an “agenda” against them.

This suggestion is unwarranted based on the evidence. The reasoning is fallacious. When you say “worshipping God has consequences,” please know these consequences do not necessarily include violence or the fear of violence.

Have you ever considered the consequences of not being a Christian? If you want to talk about an agenda, consider Pat Buchanan’s desire to deny basic citizenship rights to atheists.

If you want to talk about an agenda, consider GOP frontrunner George W. Bush’s claim that “atheists in our country should [not] be considered citizens or patriots because … America [is] one nation under God.” Does this not sound like an agenda to you?

Understanding that you are probably sympathetic toward Bush’s remarks, let me remind you that “under God” is a recent addition to the Pledge of Allegiance, created smack-dab in the middle of McCarthyism.

The truth is that we have been “One nation under God” for only 45 years. So, if you want to justify a theocracy, you’re going to have to do a lot better.

You declare that “Christians need to continue meeting together and being outspoken.” I’m assuming that “being outspoken” here means being open and honest about beliefs. If this is what you mean, I agree. No group should have to bow out on account of unjust persecution and fear.

However, you must realize that this goes for everyone. This is, after all, the United States.

Douglas Ficek




ISU Atheist & Agnostic Society