Nipple comment rude

Jennifer Swaim

You cannot be right enough that first impressions can be difficult to break.

For instance, the impression one gets reading your column is that you have a misogynistic streak. Stating that when women (girls in your terms) go to interviews they do everything they can to ensure that their nipples are showing.

Did you stop and think about the myth you are perpetuating? The myth that women can only interview for a job on their backs?

Or that if they happen to be successful it is because they “slept their way to the top?” Or how about the fact that a woman secures a job not on merit or achievement, but on the basis of her figure and face?

A woman showing her nipples for a job interview is not a precaution taken to ensure we present ourselves as women in the best light possible now is it? Yet that is what you say.

Whether you intended the statement as a flip comment or not, the first impression one walks away with from reading your article is that your view of women is antiquated, biased and sexist.

To quote you directly, “First impressions can be forgotten, but I promise you it will take a lot of work.”

Jennifer Swaim

Graduate student
