Guns kill, but people are pulling the triggers

Lucas P. Beeler

It is unbelievable that so many people believe strict gun control laws will curb violent crimes.

Passing laws that ban guns take them out of the hands of those who use guns responsibly.

Of all the cases listed in Sarah Leonard’s column, how many of the guns were legally obtained by the individuals who used them?

In the Columbine case, most of the victims were killed by bombs.

The bombs were constructed with the help of the Internet.

Isn’t Al Gore the self-proclaimed creator of the Internet?

Gore is not to blame for the horrible acts of Columbine, nor is the Internet, the media, Marylin Manson, violent movies or video games.

The blame is to be laid on those who commit these sickening crimes.

No other industrialized Western nations have had problems of this magnitude.

Yet, they are exposed to the same types of violence in the media and also have access to guns.

It is time to look a little harder than just laying the blame on whatever or whoever is convenient.

Banning guns will not solve the problem of violent crime.

If not guns, some crazy person will find other means to do these horrible acts.

Guns are dangerous weapons, and they do kill, but it takes a person to pull the trigger.

Lucas P. Beeler


Agricultural studies