Fraternity Recruitment Week wraps up

Emily Graham

Fraternity Recruitment Week, an effort by the male greek community to boost membership, ended Thursday with 35 men receiving bids to join a house.

“I think the week went really well,” said Brian Tenclinger, coordinator of Greek Affairs. “The students who participated had nothing but positive comments to say about the week.”

The event was designed to fill up spaces in some fraternities that hadn’t gained an appropriate number of men from summer recruitment.

It started with 42 men, but four participants dropped out because of the time commitments involved with joining a house.

Both Tenclinger and InterFraternity Council Vice President for Recruitment Matt Mather were happy with the number of men who turned out for the event.

“Recruitment Week was really designed to supplement summer recruitment,” said Mather, senior in computer engineering.

“Our summer recruitment numbers were already up from 410 last year to 425 this year, and adding another 35 men to the houses is great,” he said.

Tenclinger was pleased that all the fraternity houses took part in the week’s activities in some fashion.

“It’s great to see all the chapters bonding together to strengthen the greek community,” he said.

Three men failed to receive a bid, but Mather said all of them still are able to be informally recruited throughout the semester.

Jason Kirkpatrick participated in Recruitment Week, and he ended up receiving bids from both Tau Kappa Epsilon, 224 Ash Ave., and Theta Chi, B6 Memorial Union. As of now, Kirkpatrick, freshman in pre-architecture, is unsure which house he is going to choose.

He said he took part in the week’s activities because a friend persuaded him.

“I hadn’t thought about joining a house this year, but when he asked, I said, ‘Why not?'” Kirkpatrick said. “I really had a lot of fun, though. It is a much less intimidating way to look at houses.”