People get hurt in the middle of the day, too

Tina Schmidt

I was surprised by the letter in the Daily, “Who in his right mind scheduled THE rival game between Iowa State and the University of Iowa at 6:00 at night?”

Does the writer of the letter honestly think that if the game was at noon her child wouldn’t have been hurt?

She even said, “My son ended up in the emergency room with an eye injury caused by a roaring drunk U of I fan who was just looking for victims after the game.”

Would the fan been less likely to look for a victim after a noon game?

Would tailgating and drinking have been less if the game was earlier?

I know people who still are drunk at games planned for 10 a.m.!

And, after all, as noted, this was THE rival game. People, family and friends plan months in advance to go to this game, have some fun, and — unfortunately — some get hurt.

I think ISU did a great job planning for the game. Having the game at 6 p.m. gave me a lot of time to visit with friends from both ISU and UI that as an alumna I don’t see that often.

Please, just because some fans got out of hand, don’t assume all night games are bad.

Many other sports hold their games at night, and many hold their games during the day.

I don’t think time of day has anything to do with how the fans acted.

Fans act the way fans act because their team won or loss.

Tina Schmidt

