Film choreographer teaches flashy dance

Susie Dunn

Imagine how interesting it would be to teach a dance to the sometimes disgusting and always obnoxious Jim Carrey.

With all the “alrighty thens” and “somebody stop me’s,” it is hard to believe someone could actually capture Carrey’s attention.

Steve Grody, choreographer for “The Truman Show,” worked closely with Carrey, choreographing the swing scene in the film.

“Although [Carrey] had an attention span of a gnat and ripped on everything, he was very respectful,” Grody said. “He even clapped for me when I was through teaching.”

Grody, who is known for a captivating teaching style of high energy and creative dance moves, will be in Ames this weekend to once again display his dance expertise.

He will be teaching his third Ames seminar on the Lindy Hop, a resurrection of original swing dancing.

“People have been doing this dance since the 1920s,” Grody said.

The Lindy Hop dates all the way back to the early Charleston days, when people actually danced together, as partners and not as potential grinding victims.

“Swing dancing is very nonthreatening, you can just walk up and ask someone to dance, plain and simple, without anything awkward,” Grody said.

The Lindy Hop is characterized by its flashy kicks and turns, and if you are really daring, it can consist of all kinds of stellar flips and stunts. The best aspect of the Lindy Hop is that it can be danced to a variety of music.

“This dance can be done to anything with a beat,” Grody adds. “Green Day, the Ramones and ZZ Top are great groups to Lindy Hop to.”

However, The Lindy Hop is not for your average dancer, which is why Grody is offering classes that range from beginner to a vigorous intermediate/advanced class.

The seminar will be held Saturday and Sunday at the Octagon Center for the Arts, located at 427 Douglas. No partner is required, so gather up your friends and be prepared for some fancy footwork.

The cost is $40 for all four classes, $24 for two and $15 for a single class. For more information, e-mail Grody at [email protected].